〖 hidden, wicked things 〗

the bitter, the sweet: deliverance

Art by @only_tempura

Xiao's head felt heavy.

It was a heady kind of weight, a fuzziness that blurred all but that which was here, that which was now. Strange, how relaxing it was, to have everything so far away, everything beyond a pink head of hair nuzzling at the vulnerable skin of his throat.

Shinme was humming, kind of, and Xiao's eyes drifted slowly from the ceiling where they'd been staring (he'd been weirdly focused on counting the shapes above him, reaching to the almost hundreds), his hands raising from his sides to reach for the body atop him.

Bare skin hits bare skin—Shinme was shirtless, as he so often was, his wings fanned out behind him as they usually were—at least, when the two of them were alone. Even now, Xiao's amazed by the warmth seeping into his hands, the warmth that sunk straight to bone then to marrow—for someone who usually ran so cold, this felt like genuine, absolute heaven.

And of course, most aptly, their skin was pretty much visually flawless...except for smatterings of love bites that Xiao had left on their skin: on their shoulders, on their arms, and even one on their chest. As he was wont to do—Shinme so happened to be very biteable when it came down to it, both in body and in attitude, and so Xiao often found himself expressing his affections through the medium of teeth.

Then Shinme raises himself on his arms, and they give Xiao a sleepy, dreamy heartthrob of a smile, and Xiao blinks up at him before returning it. The lazy, hazy quality pushed down on both of them with a pressure that was both palpable but strangely compelling—a siren song to remain in the moment.

Despite Xiao's norm, the way in which he dealt with time, this felt entirely different—usually, the fact that everything slowed down made him feel like he had to spend it absolutely filled as much as possible. Here, it just meant he was looking at Shinme and thinking of nothing else.

'Nice, right?' Even Shinme's voice was a sensual temptation of a thing, drawing Xiao deeper into sinking. The moment Shinme had spoken up, Xiao's eyes, a bicolour gaze, flashed to their mouth, and all he could suddenly think about was how it would feel to kiss them in this very moment.

Using one leg, he slips it around Shinme's waist in order to use it as leverage to flip them—a movement that Shinme easily accepts. They simply let it happen, and then they're the ones blinking up at Xiao. There's a cute head tilt, an adorably clouded look in Shinme's eyes—

And Xiao kisses them.

Shinme makes another humming sound rather happily into his mouth, and Xiao feels their hands slide into his hair, one of them going for the distinct tie putting it in a neat ponytail. By now, it's a more than familiar act—Shinme seemingly preferred Xiao with his hair down, and would play with it if given the motives (to touch Xiao) and means (Xiao being in touching range).

With deft, nimble fingers, they undo it then throw it aside, and it's not long before Xiao finds the gentle, almost unfair sensation of Shinme lacing their digits through immeasurably soft strands. The back of his head is gently cupped, and it is through this grip that Shinme uses it to aim towards the barest of tugs, their free hand instead beginning to inch up his back. They reached for Xiao's flesh more and more, up to the point his shirt was starting to bunch upwards.

This is not the first time they've kissed—the first time they did, Shinme had only told Xiao that he was very interesting to kiss (it was the lip piercing). And when Xiao laughed, not the type to take a comment like that as a critique of his kissing skills (he knew he had a good mouth, after all), asking Shinme what he meant exactly, they'd only given him a small yet somehow incredibly alluring smile—Shinme had simply said they wanted to spend the rest of the afternoon finding out. (Xiao had lost an afternoon and some of the same night in their arms and at the insistent behest of their lips, but it was hard to be too cut up about it.)

Distantly, he's aware of gravity taking hold of his long locks, black streaked with white fanning in a way that covers both their faces; somewhat hiding the kiss from the world in a concealment that enticed, even if the rest of their bodies made it very obvious as to what they were doing. Xiao only goes to break apart when the hand on his back reaches a peak, dragging his shirt upwards so high that he was pretty much being gently implored to at least be as half nude as Shinme was.

Only when he went to sit upwards to...well...do just that, Shinme clings to him just enough to make him stumble back towards them.

'Do you want this off or not?' Xiao asks, amusement completely obscuring the implied exasperation of the question. Once again, the warmth pressed so firmly against him, and Xiao's arms were effectively crushed to his sides.

'Mmm,' Shinme mumbles, the not-quite words heated against Xiao's neck. Xiao had to fight to keep a hold of his mind and his marbles, but then it came with the distinct question of why he was bothering, especially when the way Shinme was mouthing at his pulse felt so unfairly nice. 'Don't move too far,' is Shinme's only instruction, even if it sounded more like a seductive plea.

Xiao rolls his eyes. Shinme, despite a drowsy disposition, could be so demanding sometimes, and yet, Xiao was always helpless to stop them.

(He blamed it on the fact that they were like some kind of veritable space heater, and even they seemed like they enjoyed utilising this fact against him, weaponizing their warmth to lure Xiao into indulgence. 'You're lucky you're so warm,' he'd say, and the position always meant that the answering smile of victory, even if it was on the smaller side—was one Xiao would never see.)

It's a little awkward, particularly since Xiao's ability to think was being stolen by Shinme's touch, but he does eventually manage to get his shirt off, at least, the inner one with the taller neck to peek upwards from his usual robes. The latter had been pulled off his shoulders and sat somewhere around his waist, level with his belt, and he near shudders when Shinme's kisses start going for his collarbones.

Sleepily, yet somewhat unlike what his usual disposition would imply, Shinme's mouth opens so that he can bite the newly available skin. Nothing too hard, and yet Xiao's skin is set alight in between the touch of teeth and of tongue, a wet lick against the sensitive skin of his torso, and then his hand is moving so he can angle Shinme's head to kiss them again.

With the lurid heat of chest against chest, the kiss feels a dangerous one, a sensation that threatens to swallow Xiao whole. He could spend hours like this, he realises, just as he realises a part of that had probably been Shinme's plan all along. After all, even despite their unfailingly relaxed attitude, Shinme would still very happily make use of their touch to get Xiao to do what they wanted to do. Something that had pulled him away from work more than once, and many more times at that.

(Shinme would say it was good for his health, but it was hard to remember such innocent reasoning...to act as if that purpose was truly the only one, particularly when their mouth was such a solid, beguiling weight against skin. A hazy look to their eyes that was much too easy to sink into.)

In this kiss, Shinme's tongue slides against Xiao's, a movement that makes him feel the thudding of his heart in his head in a gentle but still very pleasantly present pound. Somehow, Shinme always tasted sweet, like the stuff he would bake and occasionally just...shove into Xiao's mouth. ('When was the last time you had something tasty to eat?' They'd ask, meeting Xiao's not-really frown with ease. To them, Xiao's habit of denying himself the smaller pleasures genuinely did not make any sense.)

With all the newly unveiled canvas upon them, Shinme's gentle but still insistent hands do their damndest to explore, a carnal kind of cartography where they marked revealed lands in touch and in tongue and in mouth. Xiao hisses when Shinme's hand digs a little more firmly for but a moment, enough to mark red scratch lines so vivid on Xiao's ivory pale skin. Partially more for his benefit than theirs—except Shinme was just as invested in Xiao's pleasure as they were their own. They were, otherwise these little bouts of bite would not have existed in the first place, and with each breathless sound Xiao made at the back of his throat or more vocally, if they had the fortune, they answered with one of their own.

Pleasure, after all, was something Shinme enjoyed the pursuit of, a major reason for such an easy-going disposition. They sought things that made them happy, made them feel good...and since Xiao was both, they wanted to make him happy and feel good. It was just that simple, even if Xiao believed otherwise.

Xiao sucks in a breath as Shinme trails their hand from his back down towards his waist, tugging at the sash that made up the extra cinched quality to his torso. A cute whine of disapproval is expressed most closely against Xiao's mouth, and he breaks from Shinme momentarily to give him an amused look, ears a little pink.

'What's with you today, Shinme?' Xiao asks. His already low voice is even huskier, scratchy with something resembling desire. 'You're being more forward than usual.'

The fact that Shinme's mouth was free meant it was immediately up to more mischief, and Xiao barely suppresses a shiver as they nuzzle into a smooch. 'Should I not be?' Their response doesn't seem to be an overly concerned one— if Xiao were truly opposed, he would have just been very clear about it. 'I just wanna touch you...'

'That much is obvious.' The words are a little direct, but the breathless quality just has Shinme pressing a smile into Xiao, one that fades a little when they go to kiss the nearest available skin. Xiao has to kind of gently cradle their cheek to pry them away from it, giving them a semi-serious look, made less serious by his flushed cheeks and his blown pupils.

Shinme merely looks at him in something both hazy and cute, and Xiao wonders when an ageless, otherworldly being like Shinme got the right to be so goddamn endearing. 'Why have we stopped?'

'I just want to check in on...you...'

The rest of the sentences trails off into oblivion, somewhere between Shinme's continual and consistent touch and the fact that they had taken two of Xiao's fingers in their mouth. Their eyes flutter closed, and Xiao feels the warm and wet heat cinch shut around his fingers, the gentle point of Shinme's teeth, their safety scissor blades bluntness of human teeth, a constant almost bite to mark Shinme's actions.

Xiao's head had never been so empty with foggy heat, halfway between a short circuit and a hyperfocus so intensive it blocked out literally everything else. He could not stop looking, and though Shinme's eyes had been closed, they suddenly opened to give Xiao a look with subtle meaning—something that takes a moment for Xiao to piece together. Because Xiao, at first, can only seem to think something along the lines of. How are they so—

There was, of course, the obvious metaphor to having his digits sucked on, but truthfully, Xiao wasn't even there yet. Shinme was being very thorough with him, their tongue both tasting Xiao's fingers and the space in between, seemingly intent on feeding their oral fixation even when Xiao had not properly denied them other avenues.

He hadn't, but Shinme was just like this, the type to latch onto the first thing to promise them pleasure. A habit that had been a dangerous one for Xiao, considering how often Shinme would seek him out for what they claim to be their mutual benefit...and was, except it was hard to think of it that way when Shinme was gently nibbling on Xiao's fingers, the long, spindly and elegantly bony lengths of them fitting so easily in their mouth. It was hard to think, period, so entrenched in Shinme as Xiao currently was, and that was very much how they liked it.

Because while Shinme wasn't the type to be actively, overtly possessive of Xiao's focus, they were undoubtedly the type to grab greedy fistfuls of it in sweet kisses and an even sweeter touch. A kind of repose—they did like lying down and kissing the most, after all, except even at the most lazily luxuriating versions of it, Shinme still seemed so very irresistibly good at it.

Shinme had rather always been good at being cutely attention seeking They had varying techniques, when it came down to it: whether it was a sweet back hug, a hand to undo his sash enough Shinme's could seek Xiao's body heat or at least warm it up with his own, or hell, sometimes even an outright lift and carry, if Shinme was in the mood to be more direct about it. Whatever the case, Xiao could never deny them.

('I can't get any work done like this,' Xiao would say.

In place of an active stop, Shinme picks up on the fact that Xiao didn't mind being persuaded. 'Then don't,' is Shinme's answer, and though Xiao rolls his eyes—could it really be that simple?—he does find it in him to either let go or let Shinme help him to.)

The sight Xiao gets when Shinme finally removes his fingers from their mouth, their hand a snug grip around his wrist is undeniably an erotic one. The kind of sights that would forever sear an imprinted image inside of Xiao's brain—

Shinme's somehow devilishly, somehow angelically pretty features an even prettier sight from the dreamily sleepy look they gave Xiao. Xiao's fingers, slick with strings of saliva that curve moments before they snap away. Weirdly, horribly, beautifully appropriate to Xiao's state of being, actually.

This time, Shinme does undo the sash, pulling off the belt that kept it in place first before they threw both to one side. Xiao, swept up in them them them, seemingly just allowed Shinme to, just like he allowed them to at some point flip the positions once more—at least until Xiao's on his back.

His head is much too occupied with a thick cotton to really remember the process of it—he simply remembered being gently manoeuvred until it was Shinme looming over him and not the other way around. Something that would usually trigger a mild competitive streak...but the whole sight of Shinme putting his fingers in their mouth had still left Xiao feeling like he had a mind full of warm goo.

Honestly, it was nice. Being so thoughtless. Letting one be so engulfed and swallowed whole, not leaving enough space for anything whatsoever, let alone anxiety and restlessness. Xiao still hadn't quite fully verbalised how Shinme had a raw talent for making him feel more relaxed than he had in years, but that was alright, because Xiao got the feeling that Shinme knew.

Without all that was in the way, the half robe making up the upper half of his outfit is pulled out from where it had tucked into his pants, and Xiao dully feels his hair fan out behind him in a lovely wave as his robe falls open, exposing the lean muscle of his abdomen. He was looking at the ceiling again, except a part of it was to descend into the affection Shinme was laving into him, in bites and kisses and licks from anywhere to the top of his torso to the—wait.

For the second time that afternoon, Xiao reaches forward to gently stop Shinme. Or rather, not properly stop—it had only been a non-pushy hand to their broad shoulder (the fact that Shinme was bigger than him both in broader figure and in a taller one could so often set off a particular competitive fire within him), and then Shinme is looking at him once more. Though their blinking seemed innocent, it's made far less so by how this time it's from between his thighs.

Xiao's libido is an interesting one—while not non-existent, he was not the type to really enforce it on anyone without prior go ahead. He was happy to allow his partner to lead with that sort of thing, and while Shinme had been nude in front of him before (most casually, too—they never seem to have grasped the concept of shame), it had never been...

His hand strokes through Shinme's shock of bright rose hair. Though they'd been temporarily stopped, they hum in quiet delight, particularly when Xiao's nails scratch nicely against their scalp. For a moment, Xiao just watches them, head resting rather close. It was adorable, if everything wasn't taken into objective consideration, and Xiao is so certain that despite the suggestive act of Shinme using Xiao's pelvis as a pillow, it's not intended in any overt way.

'You've stopped me again.' Shinme points out in another Shinme whine (that is, an understated one), though the way their head presses into Xiao's somewhat head massage of a touch tells him they're not that overly bothered by it. This is just their way of pouting.

'Are you aware of yourself right now?' The question could be a somewhat accusatory one, but Xiao's tone is audibly amused, and the scold does not register to Shinme as one.

'Mm? Why wouldn't I be?'

The laugh somewhat forced out of Xiao was breathless in kind. What a Shinme answer for them to give, and he raises himself on one of his elbows to give them an amused arched brow. 'I'm not...I'm not so unbothered that I'm capable of remaining entirely unaffected, you know.' There's something a little on the self-deprecating side in Xiao's voice, even if it didn't reach any concerning degree.

'Okay?' Shinme sounds like they're still not quite sure why Xiao stopped them. 'So let yourself be affected, then?'

Xiao's next huff of amusement is an almost instinctual one. 'It's that simple, huh?'

'Yeah?' Shinme's hands are moving again, and Xiao suppresses a fondly exasperated sigh as their touch starts drifting. 'I don't know why you always seem to think everything should be hard, Xiao. It really doesn't have to be.'

He lets himself fall back onto his back. Xiao's smiling, though this one is definitely on the self-deprecating side. 'Yeah, me neither.' His voice is barely there, barely above a whisper, but he knows Shinme has heard him.


'Ugh. Don't make me say it.'

This time, it's Shinme's turn to chuckle. It's a pleasant sound, just like everything about him—maybe that's why Shinme made it easier for him. Not easy—Xiao was simply not built that way, at least not yet. Shinme would help him towards it if they had any sway or say, but it would still be a process. 'I like you, Xiao. I like making you happy and I like making you feel good.'

'Trust you to get cheesy at a time like this,' is Xiao's response, and Shinme only smiles kind of innocently at him. They truly had no sense of shame, seemingly never embarrassed, and while Xiao was the type not to be easily embarrassed either, he found he picked up the slack when it came to Shinme. His only exception.

And maybe that's why they worked with Xiao so well. Maybe it was, because while Xiao wasn't exactly full of shame per se, what was wound up taut and tight was an inability to relax. The act made him restless, and maybe in a way that was an equivalent to a kind of specific shame. A specific shame that Shinme helped him to release, even if only in blissful bits and not quite yet as a whole.

But that was alright. They had time. They had all the time in the world.

'I'm with you, you know. That's what this time is.'

He exhales his breath in one whoosh. 'I'll never be any match for you, Shinme—ow.'

For someone who literally just bit Xiao's thigh, they look remarkably without guilt, personally or otherwise. 'You know I mark up easily,' Xiao rebukes, but Shinme just continues blinking up at him. He clicks his tongue, a tsk in mild, inconsequential annoyance.

'Mm.' Shinme's eyes are then, most suddenly, a creased, pleased smiley, rather catlike in personal self-satisfaction. 'I know. So can I, then? Will you let me continue?'


'Do you want me to say it?'

Something pounds inside the xylophone of Xiao's ribcage. There's a poisonous quality to Shinme's expression—the most seductive kind, because though there's nothing outwardly all that different about it, the difference was centred in the eyes. A velvety brown tinted rose, dark with a promise and some other thing Xiao's head fogs over when he tries to analyse.

Safety is what Xiao settles for over indulgence. 'I...I can't...I can't do the same for you.'

Understanding quirks the lines of Shinme's lips even further. It's embarrassing. Xiao is not used to being so embarrassed. 'Is this what this is about? So, you'd let me if you could return the favour?'

It's here, once again, that Xiao thinks about just how misleading Shinme's usual disposition is. A dreamy kind of languid, lethargy only less so in certain moments...like this one. Like this one, where their stare gleams with a comprehension so complete that bores, burrows itself into Xiao. Embarrassing.

And even more embarrassing, is that Xiao has to sidestep the question. 'I don't want to make you feel like you have to.'

There's a quiet huff of laughter. 'You're cute when you're being silly, Xiao.' Sudden heat flushes him quick enough to burn with a temperature associated with rage, except the hot is one of slight humiliation, not anger. 'When have I done anything because I've had to? Is it so far beyond you to comprehend that I want to? I want to know what it's like, you know. I've been thinking about it for a while now.'

Shinme can be merciless at times because Xiao genuinely has no idea how to respond. The worst thing probably was in how Shinme was talking about this like it was something so casual, like when a new bakery opened in town and Xiao had to come with him, or when they're asking Xiao what he'd like them to bake, and no, whatever you want wasn't a response. They were, but Shinme's no idiot, and had likely confessed just to fluster Xiao even more.

'Please?' A plea, and yet, Xiao feels like he's the one who's begging. Shinme is still fucking smiling, gaze unwavering, unrelenting. Without clemency, and yet with the means and the desire to offer complete and wholehearted relief.

In a quiet wheeze of a sound, he relents.

Maybe it shouldn't be that much of a surprise.

Truthfully, it was always like this with Shinme. And it would likely continue to always be like that with them. Though he'd been effectively cut off from his previous train of thought through the medium of teeth, he truly believed he was no match for them. He did, and maybe he was okay with that.

'...Do what you want.'

For a moment, Shinme just continues to look at Xiao. It's long enough that the itch of mortification becomes unbearable, and he's forced to make a small huffy noise to save face, turning away. The moment Xiao goes to curl in on himself, though, Shinme is there to gently, but still firmly, force Xiao's legs open. Xiao jolts, and the glint in Shinme's eyes grows a little fiendish. For someone who looked so much like an angel, Shinme sure could be an absolute imp.

'If you're done making fun of me...' He grinds out.

'I'm sorry, Xiao.' And while their expression does not change, they do sound like they mean it. Somewhat. 'You're cute and I want to see you. And I want you to be honest around me. You can lie all you want around other people, but not me, okay? It'll make me sad if you do.' 

Ire leaves him. The prickling feeling is still there, but without the boil this time. It's not that difficult to see what Shinme is doing, nor is it difficult to intellectualise why Xiao is being so reactive. So he swallows thickly, his pride and the pretence that came with it, and manages to make tentative eye contact with Shinme. 'Okay, I...' Why was this so damned hard, 'I...want you to...please.'

There it is. There it fucking is. A release of weight and the immediate relief proceeding it. A whisper of an admittance, barely above a breath, a secret bared with its chest torn open in a show of squishy pink insides, the ivory of bone to hold it all in place. A silent, but no less savourable, devourable deliverance.

It's not lost on Shinme. It's never lost on them. Their eyes, while still intense and probing, are warm...with affection, with satisfaction, with love. With absolute pride and something quietly possessive, too. This particular Xiao, the one they could fluster and force to admit his most secret of secrets, was theirs to see and keep and no one else's. Not a one.

'Well done,' they say, in sotto voce.

He is forced to avert his eyes at the praise, a small, shaky exhale leaving him. It's not meant to shame him. And maybe if it was, it would be far more bearable, enough Xiao could actually deal with it and even find the means to properly bite back.

But Shinme was just always so earnest. They hum as they start to shuck off Xiao's pants, exposing the waistband of his briefs, and Xiao has to talk so that he won't explode. 'You know, I still haven't worked out where you've learned about this.' Pointedly, he does not verbally specify.

'I've been around for a while, Xiao.' They seem quietly amused by the question, and Xiao opens his mouth to maybe tell them off about it, but then Shinme yanks hard enough Xiao's forced to arc his hips upwards, the garment halfway off his legs. 'You end up picking up a few things,' they add, and their smile looks endeared. 'I never had any excuse to use this knowledge, but...'

Now they do. The implicit brands itself into Xiao's mind; distantly, he hears the muffled sound of tossed fabric.

'...Me neither.'

'Mm?' Shinme pauses for a moment, looking surprised. Without them actively doing anything, it was a little easier to make eye contact, and Xiao meets their blinking gaze tentatively. 'I thought you said you weren't a virgin?'

'I'm not. Technically.'

Something clicks, and comprehension dawns. Shinme doesn't verbalise it. 'Then I'm happy to share this with you,' is what they say instead, adding 'and I'm happy this is ours,' which would be cute, except Shinme was literally moments away from—

Xiao's hard. He has been for a while now, but it is far harder to ignore when Shinme's hand dips and slides insides Xiao's boxer-briefs, fingers searching. He gets a heartbeat. Xiao gets a single heartbeat in before a warm grip closes around him, a heat that seemingly only seems to emphasize how much he wanted this—how much he wanted Shinme.

'You're wet.'


'It's cute. It's—'

His protest dies in an eking moan when Shinme decides then to put Xiao's dick in his mouth. Xiao, usually an avatar of self-control, can't help but buck into the irresistibly wet and soft and hot vice, and when Shinme hums around him in something utterly content with satisfaction, Xiao seemingly can't do anything, completely compromised and only just able to hide his burning face in his burning hands—a stifled cry immediately catching Shinme's attention.

When Shinme releases his dick with a horrifyingly embarrassing wet pop, he near whines out into a broken gasp.

'Can I see your face?'

As if he hadn't been blowing him here moments ago, Shinme pleads Xiao with an imploring look, one Xiao can feel the weight of, even if he's currently unable to see. Xiao doesn't respond at first, simply glaring into the darkness enforced by his fingers pressed tight against his face, but he feels Shinme shift on the couch, and then one of his hands is being gently pried away.

Shinme's giving him a kind smile when their eyes meet, and their own fingers wriggle into place until they're laced in a handhold that was now instinctual for them both. 'Will you look at me?'

A shaky sigh tears itself from Xiao's throat. Xiao is so certain that Shinme will kill him, and they're not even trying. 'You'll be the death of me,' he answers, and Shinme only continues gazing adoringly at him, getting back between Xiao's legs.

'Only if you take me with you,' is their response, and they give the back of Xiao's hand, the one currently in their grip, a loving kiss.

And to his credit, Xiao does try. Xiao tries his absolute best to watch Shinme, but the instruction is an inherently cruel one, because it's...difficult. Any effort spent to try ends up in his vision cut off when he squeezes his eyes shut, because though Shinme self-admittedly told Xiao he had no practical experience...

They're committed. They're attentive. And, most of all, they're loving.

In the brief intervals Xiao manages, Shinme's gaze is unwaveringly focused, mercilessly so, intent on collecting as many faces, reactions, feelings, and sensations as possible. Shinme's tongue toys and teases at the underside of Xiao's dick, tasting him with a visible joy gleaming in rosy brown.

Shinme themselves are flushed palpably pink, a cute blush that matches their hair, and though it's made quite obvious how much they enjoyed servicing Xiao, it was still something that was difficult to process.

How into it they were—

Xiao makes a strangled noise the first time Shinme takes him inside his mouth completely, sinfully soft, soft, soft lips, ones Xiao was used to kissing but not when they're sucking—

How into Xiao they were—

His back arches, but not too far, because Shinme is there, not allowing his pace to budge, forcing Xiao to hit the back of their throat—

How into all this he was—

He stops them.

Breathy, near heaving pants fill the gap as Shinme slows down, giving Xiao the room to recover. Xiao doesn't remember what he said, but he must have said something, because Shinme does relent, at least enough he can make another valiant attempt to look at them.

Of course, a slow down is not the same as a stop, and Shinme's eyes seem to glint in the lamplight the second they seem to offer their mouth, tongue out in a gesture so visually lewd, that Xiao can only make a tiny huff of a frustrated whimper.

Soon after, he finds out how Shinme's interpreted his instinctual plea, and it is when they start licking at him. Wet, exhaling heat laves all over Xiao's dick, a thorough, obscene tongue bath that makes his skin feel like its near about to combust. Shinme's not exactly silent either, and with each little throat murmur of affirmation, it drags Xiao further and further into a very particular hedonistic pit of indulgence.

The sight is one Xiao can only deal with in the slightest of increments, and once more, he nears a peak much too quick for his liking—Shinme's enthusiasm is almost a perfect replacement for actual technique, at least enough for Xiao to feel close, so he scrabbles and scrabbles and squirms and writhes into resisting.

His brain, or at least, the smallest portion left dedicated to lucidity, gropes around for something, anything—

Occipital, parietal, frontal, temporal, sphenoid, eth­—

A cry wrests itself from Xiao's lungs.

Shinme's noticed.

They have, and their response is seemingly to take Xiao into their mouth again, heedless of how sensitive he was, a climax worryingly within throbbing reach. He keens as their head bobs in a back and forth, each time forcing him deeper and deeper, and it is when Shinme's nose is against Xiao's pelvis—Xiao can feel the back of their throat again—that Xiao...


The coil built to bursting bursts, shattering into pieces, and Xiao squeezes Shinme's hand tightly enough to dig his nails into their skin. He wants to warn them—he really does—but all Xiao manages is the beginning of what sounds like an apology before he comes.

It takes a moment.

It takes more than moment, actually.

Xiao's chest rises and falls in something breathless. His bones feel liquidy, and he spends a second regaining himself before he seeks out Shinme, an absolute weightlessness making him feel sleepy. It's as if he's forgotten the embarrassment leading up to these moments, but it's so very hard to think through the pool of post-coital lapping against the walls of his skull.

With his hand still in their grip, they've sat up to peer down at him, and the look they give Xiao is one of curiosity. 'You taste sweet, Xiao.'

One blink. A second. It's not until Shinme licks their lips that Xiao's realised they've swallowed. Xiao flushes most feverishly, the distinct prickling flames of humiliation flaring up once more. He can't cover his face, not completely, but he tries anyway, throwing an arm over his eyes.


'You never told me you tasted so good.'

'How would I even—ugh.'

Xiao turns away. He does, but he's just turned back around, and when Shinme kisses him, he realises the kiss tastes of himself. It's a comprehension that goes to his head—both directions—and it's all he can do but to give a little miffed look at Shinme, even though he had very much kissed back.

'Hey,' Shinme starts, and their smile is one Xiao can never stay mad at. 'What do you say we get pizza?'


At first, Xiao can only blink at them. The utter whiplash stops him short, but then when the comprehension dawns, Xiao finds himself utterly losing it. Something about the concept of Shinme giving him a blowjob, getting him off with said blowjob and then just...mildly asking for pizza felt both hilarious and very on brand. He adored them so much.

Patiently, Shinme just waits, not quite sure why Xiao's laughing but happy that he is happy.

'I love you,' is the first thing Xiao says.

'I love you too.'

Of course, when Xiao gets up with the purpose of looking for his missing pants, the instant he's within range, Shinme pulls him into their lap, gazing imploringly at him. 'Where are you going?'

'I need to get dressed to go get pizza for you, Shinme.'

'Get delivery instead.'

'But it would be quicker just to...'

'We can make out until the pizza gets here.'

A huff of laughter. 'Alright then. Have it your way.'

x x x



'You will let me suck your dick again, right?'

'...Just eat your damned pizza, Shinme.'

'Is that a yes?'



'H-Hey! Don't knock the pizza off my lap? Fine, Shinme. Yes, I will let you. Now will you PLEASE—'

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