est. 1996 | causes problems on purpose | void
Gumi is a connoisseur of language, a self-titled wordmonger and repeat offender of long prose. (They are allowed* to be.)
When words fail them, they bite their way through writer's block.
Gumi has little interest in sex, which makes them perfect for using the power of smut to create particularly evocative relationship studies and compelling plot-relevant scenarios that pay off in the long-run. They run the gambit of a 2k word blow job that reveals a character's inability to relinquish control over themselves to a hate-fuck session that sets off a domino effect which leads to every subsequent tragedy in the story.
They aren't afraid to inject a little bit of horror into anything and everything. Poisons all with their sapphic lesbian touch.
Gumi hates the cold, but winter is their sexiest season.
Do not perceive them. At all costs.
*Lay allows them.